2019 Shoot & Share Photo Contest

Spring is here and we are getting excited about all of the upcoming weddings this summer!

For those of you who have been following along over the years you know we’ve been submitting our photos into the annual Shoot and Share photo contest. This is the world’s only free and fair photo contest where photographers are able to enter up to 50 photos in 25 categories. Anyone is able to view the photos randomly and vote for their favorites. No one knows who took the photos, but everyone votes for the winners. The photos with the most votes win! Last year, over 400,000 images were submitted and one of our images made it into the finals. We decided to enter again for fun this year, submitting some of our favorites taken throughout 2018…and THE RESULTS ARE IN!

Over 580,000 images were submitted this year (holy sh*t!) and Lisa’s photo made it into the finals! This photo of her bestie with our nephews placed 220th out of the 26,188 submitted into the maternity category. In addition, 4 other of our photos placed in the top 10% and dozens of others placed in the top 20-30%.

It’s been fun to submit photos year after year into this contest to see where they place among other photographers in the world. More importantly, the work put forth by other photographers is inspiring and we look forward to continuing to grow as photographers while snapping more photos of you beautiful people this year!

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