What did you do this weekend?…I made life size Jenga blocks with some of my best friends!
It all started with some bored dudes on a Sunday afternoon. As we were brainstorming ideas of we could do, the idea of Jenga came up. Unfortunately, none of the four of us owned Jenga so we did what any level-headed men would do…we built it! It started with a trip to Home Depot where we purchased five planks of 3x4s. Next, we headed back to Derek’s place to get started on the project. Derek has a whole plethora of high-end power tools which made the project quick & simple. Derek was in charge of measuring & cutting the planks of wood while Jordan & Kyler were in charge of Quality Control & sanded the cut pieces of wood; I was in charge of documenting the whole event! Apparently sticking out your tongue makes sanding the blocks a whole lot easier…amiright, Jordan?! This project cost less than $15, took less than one hour, & is waaaaay more fun to play than regular Jenga!
Published on Jess Collective blog