We hope everyone enjoyed the holidays and are getting back in the groove of the new year. It was great to relax with family and eat some great food but now we’re back at the grind and looking forward to all of our 2018 sessions!
Back in November we met up with the Maksymchuks (yup another session with relatives – Krista is our sister-in-law). Krista and her two sisters gifted their parents a family session for Christmas and if I remember correctly, this is the first time they’ve had family photos since the girls were children! We met up just after the first snowfall of the year on a chilly Sunday afternoon. It was windy and the snow was deep but we braved the weather and the festive backdrops were stunning! The Maksymchuk’s are a close-knit family we’ve got to know well and we’re always guaranteed to have a good laugh while in their company. Our nephew, Archer, obviously stole the show with his utter cuteness and was a champ throughout the session. Enjoy!